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"The Chinese people have always loved peace. Chinese culture values harmony. The culture of harmony has a deep, long tradition and contains a universal vision of the unity of heaven and humanity.? Its international vision is one of peace between all nations. Its social vision is one of harmony amidst diversity. Its moral vision is founded in the fundamental human decency. In 5,000-year history of civilizational development, the Chinese people have always pursued and promoted the unwavering concepts of peace, amity, and harmony. We treasure harmony and not doing unto others as we would not be done by. These concepts are passed from generation to generation. They are deeply rooted in the Chinese spirit and profoundly expressed in the behavior of the Chinese people."


In his diplomatic agenda, Xi Jinping emphasizes the principle of fostering “mulin, anlin, fulin” (“睦邻、安邻、富邻”), or an “amicable, tranquil, and prosperous neighborhood.” These six characters are offered as a guideline for Chinese peripheral diplomacy. They support the recently resurrected Chinese idea of wangdao (王道), or The Kingly Way, which is purported to describe the Chinese imperial practice of benign, attractive leadership. ?The Kingly Way is contrasted, by Chinese thinkers, with the Way of the Hegemon (霸道)—the coercive style of global leadership said to be practiced by the West in general and America in particular. ?The idea of “adopting a policy of benevolence and acting in a Kingly Way” (“施仁政,行王道”) originated in Exerting His Mind, King Hui of Liang: Part One (《寡人之于国也》), in the Confucian classic, Mencius (《孟子·梁惠王上》).

"Chinese civilization has a history of more than 5000 years. It is the inexhaustible source of self-strengthening for Chinese people worldwide. Our overseas sons and daughters bear the same shining brand of Chinese culture and the same spiritual cultural genes, wherever they live. I hope that you can continue to promote Chinese culture, draw power from it, and actively advance interaction and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. You should tell Chinese stories and spread Chinese voices well to improve mutual understanding between Chinese and foreign people, so as to create a good environment for realizing the China Dream."


"Chinese athletes’ performances at the Olympics presented great positive energy and demonstrated a spirit of struggle can overcome “life’s inevitable ups and downs.” To realize the Two Centenary Goals and the China Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we need such spirit. We need to spread propaganda about the spirit of struggle our athletes showed at the Olympics throughout society and transform it into a great spiritual power in which the entire Party and Nation—every nationality—struggle together in unity.

Sports are an important indicator of social development and human progress. They reflect a country’s comprehensive power and soft power."



For more information, please contact the Kissinger Institute at china@wilsoncenter.org.