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Ice-Diminishing Arctic: Panel Videos

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    • The 8th Biennial Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic Symposium was hosted by the US Arctic Research Commission, Wilson Center, and US National Ice Center on July 17 and 18, 2019. Michael Sfraga welcomed speakers and attendees to the Symposium.
    • Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program, Wilson Center

    • Michael Sfraga welcomed speakers and attendees to the second day of the Symposium.
    • Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program, Wilson Center
    • Senator Dan Sullivan spoke about US national security and strategy in the Arctic.
    • Senator Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
    • Introduced by Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program

    • Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette provided keynote remarks about the Department of Energy鈥檚 policies and strategies in the Arctic.
    • Deputy Secretary Dan Brouillette, US Department of Energy
    • Moderated by Fran Ulmer, Chair, US Arctic Research Commission

    • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet provided remarks about NOAA鈥檚 engagement and experience in the Arctic.
    • Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D, USN Ret., Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, and; Deputy Administrator, NOAA

    • Senator Angus King and Senator Lisa Murkowski both provided keynote remarks of their state鈥檚 view and engagement in the Arctic.
    • Senator Angus King (Maine)
    • Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    • In conversation with Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program, Wilson Center

    • Admiral Charles Ray provided keynote remarks about the US Coast Guard鈥檚 Arctic strategy and experience.
    • Admiral Charles W. Ray, Vice Commandant, US Coast Guard
    • Interviewed by Melody Schreiber, Washington Correspondent, Arctic Today
    • Jackie Richter-Menge provided a foundational overview of the Arctic region and its changing environment.
    • Dr. Jackie Richter-Menge, Commissioner, US Arctic Research Commission
    • Introduced by Fran Ulmer, Chair, US Arctic Research Commission

    • Alf H氓kon Hoel, Ole 脴vretveit, Liv Monica Stubholt, and Michael Sfraga discuss the Blue Economy and Norway鈥檚 role in such.
    • Alf H氓kon Hoel, Professor of Ocean Law and Policy, College of Fisheries Science, University of Troms酶
    • Ole 脴vretveit, Director, Arctic Frontiers
    • Liv Monica Stubholt, Partner, Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA
    • In conversation with Dr. Michael Sfraga, Director, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Director, Global Risk and Resilience Program, Wilson Center

    • Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee, S. Bradley Moran, Frank R. Rack, Colleen Strawhacker, and John Farrell discussed science research in the Arctic.
    • Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee (USAF, ret.), Executive Director, Arctic Domain Awareness Center
    • Dr. S. Bradley Moran, Dean, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks
    • Dr. Frank R. Rack, Arctic Research Support and Logistics Manager, National Science Foundation
    • Dr. Colleen Strawhacker, Program Director, Arctic Social Sciences, National Science Foundation
    • Moderated by Dr. John Farrell, Executive Director, US Arctic Research Commission

    • Peter Harrison discussed the recent Central Arctic Ocean fisheries agreement.
    • Peter Harrison, Vice President, Royal Canadian Geographical Society

    • A panel of NOAA leaders, including Craig McLean, Rear Admiral Shepard Smith, Louis W. Uccellini, Stephen Volz, Cisco Werner, and David Kennedy discussed weather forecasting, satellite information, fisheries, research, and charting.
    • Craig McLean, Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, NOAA
    • Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith, Director, Coast Survey, NOAA
    • Dr. Louis W. Uccellini, Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, NOAA, and; Director, National Weather Service
    • Dr. Stephen Volz, Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services, NOAA
    • Dr. Cisco Werner, Director of Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor, NOAA Fisheries
    • Moderated by David Kennedy, Senior Advisor for the Arctic Region, NOAA

    • Kevin Berberich, Commander Kristen Serumgard, and Scott Weese discussed ice centers in the North American Arctic.
    • Kevin Berberich, Office of Satellite and Product Operations, NOAA, and; Deputy Director, U.S. National Ice Center
    • Commander Kristen Serumgard, Commander, International Ice Patrol
    • Scott Weese, Operations Director, Canadian Ice Service

    • Hajo Eicken discussed scientific research of the Arctic Ocean and how that affects the region.
    • Dr. Hajo Eicken, Director, International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
    • Mellisa Heflin, Hugh Patkotak, Sr., Delbert Pungowiyi, and Liz Cravalho spoke about the Arctic from their personal perspectives as Indigenous leaders in Alaska.
    • Mellisa Heflin, Bering Sea area, Alaska
    • Hugh Patkotak, Sr., Wainwright, Alaska
    • Delbert Pungowiyi, Savoonga, Alaska
    • Moderated by Liz Cravalho, Kotzebue, Alaska
    • Michael Kingston, Paul Massaro, Mead Treadwell, and Tero Vauraste discussed the feasibility of an international Arctic seaway based on the design of the St. Lawrence Seaway model.
    • Michael Kingston, Managing Director, Michael Kingston Associates, and; Special Advisor, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group, Arctic Council
    • Paul Massaro, Policy Advisor, US Helsinki Commission
    • Mead Treadwell, former Lieutenant Governor, State of Alaska, and; former Chair, US Arctic Research Commission
    • Tero Vauraste, President, Mariadi Ltd, and; former Chair, Arctic Economic Council

    • Mark Ivey, Nettie La Belle-Hamer, and Lori Parrott discussed a concept of a High Arctic Research Center in the Alaskan Arctic.
    • Mark D. Ivey, Atmospheric Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories
    • Dr. Nettie La Belle-Hamer, Director, Alaska Satellite Facility, and; Deputy Director, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
    • Moderated by Lori Parrott, Manager, Atmospheric Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories

    • A panel of CEOs of Alaska Native Corporations, including Rex A. Rock, Sr., Gail R. Schubert, Aaron M. Schutt, Wayne Westlake, and Greg Razo, discussed the role of ANCs in the Arctic.
    • Rex A. Rock, Sr., President & CEO, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
    • Gail R. Schubert, President &CEO, Bering Straits Native Corporation
    • Aaron M. Schutt, President & CEO, Doyon, Limited
    • Wayne Westlake, President & CEO, NANA Regional Corporation
    • Moderated by Greg Razo, Vice President of Government Relations, CIRI
    • Nong Hong discussed China鈥檚 interests and strategies in the Arctic.
    • Dr. Nong Hong, Executive Director, Institute for China America Studies

    • Andrey Bondarev, Heather Exner-Pirot, Robert Huebert, and Rebecca Pincus discussed the growing Great Power Competition in the Arctic and how that will affect the region.
    • Andrey Bondarev, Head of Economic Office, Embassy of the Russian Federation to the US
    • Dr. Heather Exner-Pirot, Research Associate, CIRRICQ
    • Dr. Robert Huebert, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Calgary
    • Moderated by Dr. Rebecca Pincus, Assistant Professor, Strategic and Operational Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, US Naval Warfare College

    • Hreinn P谩lsson discussed the goals and strategies of Iceland's Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.
    • Hreinn P谩lsson, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Iceland to the US

    • Kazumine Akimoto, Eiji Sakai, and Atsushi Sunami discussed Japan鈥檚 interests and strategies in the Arctic.
    • Kazumine Akimoto, Senior Research Fellow, Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
    • Eiji Sakai, Vice President, Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
    • Dr. Atsushi Sunami, President, Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

    • Lawson Brigham and Andrei Zagorski discussed Russian Arctic policies, and the emerging Russian icebreaker fleet.
    • Dr. Lawson Brigham, Global Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center, and; Researcher, University of Alaska Fairbanks
    • Dr. Andrei Zagorski, Professor, Moscow State, Institute for International Relations, and; Head of Department for Disarmament, Arms Control, and Conflict Resolution, Institute of World Economy and World Politics, Russian Academy of Sciences

    • A panel of ambassadors, including Ambassador K氓re R. Aas, Ambassador Marie-Anne Coninsx, Deputy Ambassador Kirsten Hillman, Ambassador Harri M盲ki-Reinikka, Ambassador Ken Yalowitz, and Ray Arnaudo, discussed the Arctic from their perspectives.
    • Ambassador K氓re R. Aas, Ambassador of Norway to the US
    • Ambassador Marie-Anne Coninsx, EUAmbassador at Large for the Arctic
    • Deputy Ambassador Kirsten Hillman, Deputy Ambassador of Canada to the US
    • Ambassador Harri M盲ki-Reinikka, Secretary General of Finland鈥檚 Arctic Advisory Board
    • Ambassador Ken Yalowitz, Global Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center
    • Moderated by Ray Arnaudo, former Director, Office of Oceans and Polar Affairs, US Department of State
    • Vice Admiral Daniel B. Abel, LeeAnn M. Borman, Rear Admiral Thomas W. Marotta, and Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee discussed national security in the Arctic from their perspectives.
    • Vice Admiral Daniel B. Abel, Deputy Commandant for Operations, US Coast Guard
    • LeeAnn M. Borman, Senior Executive Service, Deputy Director, Strategy, Concepts and Assessments, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Requirements, US Air Force
    • Rear Admiral Thomas W. Marotta, USN, Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy (N3/N5B)
    • Moderated by Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee (USAF, ret.), Executive Director, Arctic Domain Awareness Center

    • Rear Admiral Matthew T. Bell, Jr., Brigadier General Joseph J. Streff, and Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee discussed Arctic security from an operational standpoint in Alaska.
    • Rear Admiral Matthew T. Bell Jr., Seventeenth District Commander (D17), US Coast Guard
    • Brigadier General Joseph J. Streff, Assistant Adjutant General, Alaska National Guard
    • Moderated by Major General Randy 鈥淐hurch鈥 Kee (USAF, ret.), Executive Director, Arctic Domain Awareness Center
    • Anne Barker, James Bond, Leslie Canavera, Tim Keane, Michael Kingston, and Sarah Harrison discussed shipping in the Arctic region from their individual perspectives.
    • Anne Barker, Arctic Program Leader, Ocean, Coastal, and River Engineering, National Research Council Canada
    • James Bond, Director, Advisory Services, American Bureau of Shipping
    • Leslie Canavera, CEO, PolArctic LLC
    • Tim Keane, Senior Manager, Arctic Operations and Projects, Fednav Limited
    • Michael Kingston, Managing Director, Michael Kingston Associates, and; Special Advisor, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group, Arctic Council
    • Moderated by Sarah Harrison, Arctic Marine Transportation Specialist, US Committee on the Marine Transportation System

    • Sarah Harrison spoke about shipping in the region.
    • Sarah Harrison, Arctic Marine Transportation Specialist, US Committee on the Marine Transportation System
    • Introduced by Helen Brohl, Executive Director, US Committee on the Marine Transportation System
    • Zachary Hamilla and Liz Ruskin discussed a statistical analysis of how American citizens identify the Arctic.
    • Zachary Hamilla, Executive Director, The Arctic Studio
    • Moderated by Liz Ruskin, Washington Correspondent, Alaska Public Media

    • Alina Bykova, Jack Durkee, Rebecca Lynge, Val Muzik, Andreas Raspotnik, and Lillian Hussong spoke about Arctic policy from their perspectives as young professionals in the field.
    • Alina Bykova, Researcher and Translator, The Arctic Institute
    • Jack Durkee, Program Assistant, Polar Institute, Wilson Center
    • Rebecca Lynge, First Secretary, Greenland Representation in Washington DC
    • Val Muzik, Research Associate, The Arctic Institute
    • Dr. Andreas Raspotnik, Senior Fellow, The Arctic Institute, and; Senior Researcher, High North Center, Nord University
    • Moderated by Lillian Hussong, Researcher and Social Media Manager, The Arctic Institute

    • George Newton provided remarks from his perspective as the founder of the initial Ice-Diminishing Arctic Symposium.
    • George Newton, former Chair, US Arctic Research Commission