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After touring the People’s Daily, Xinhua News, and CCTV, Xi Jinping delivered a speech to the heads of the three state media outlets, journalists, and Beijing municipal officials. He emphasized that Party media should strive to increase China’s communicative power, guiding force, influence, and credibility (传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力). He emphasized that media must serve the state by telling his audience that Chinese media are all “surnamed Party” (姓党).

The major mission of the Party’s media work is to provide correct and positive guidance for the public, to serve the country’s overall interests, to unite the general public, and to connect China to the world.

Marxism should remain the guiding theory for state-run media’s work and the Party should keep leading the state-run media.

China needs to develop its external communications capabilities, strengthen China’s discursive power, tell China’s stories, and build internationally influential media.

“Positive opinion supervision and propaganda are one and the same. News media should squarely face problems in their work and target social evils directly. They should drive out evil, usher in good, and point out problems. At the same time, the media should publish critical analysis that is objective and factually correct.”


“Using new media as the framework to expand China’s political space and employing informational discursive power to protect national interests are effective means to propel great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.”


"Conducting Communist Party propaganda and public opinion work well and creating a good public opinion climate is an essential task of governance that brings stability and order to the country.

Xi Jinping addressed four expectations for journalists:

  • First, journalists should maintain the correct political direction and stay highly aligned with the central government. They should adhere to Marxist Journalist Thought and the policies of the Party and the people and uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics, and serve as news workers with strong political will.
  • Secondly, journalists should insist on directing public opinion correctly. They should publicize theories and policies of the Party and the efforts and achievements made by the Chinese people in realizing the “Two Centenary Goals” and the “China Dream.” Journalists should uphold mainstream ideology and emit positive energy.
  • Thirdly, journalists should uphold correct journalistic ideals. They should improve their skills and be daring innovators.
  • Finally, journalists should uphold the correct mode of work. They should put the people at the center of their work, empathize with the people, and praise the people. Journalists should develop a professional spirit, uphold professional ethics, work hard, be respectful and devout, and be model media workers. In sum, journalists should be trustworthy news workers for the Party and the people."



  • 一是要坚持正确政治方向,同党中央保持高度一致,坚持马克思主义新闻观,坚守党和人民立场,坚持中国特色社会主义,做政治坚定的新闻工作者。
  • 二是要坚持正确舆论导向,深入宣传党的理论和路线方针政策,深入宣传全国各族人民为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦进行的奋斗和取得的成就,弘扬主旋律,释放正能量,做引领时代的新闻工作者。
  • 叁是要坚持正确新闻志向,提高业务水平,勇于改进创新,不断自我提高、自我完善,做业务精湛的新闻工作者。
  • 四是要坚持正确工作取向,以人民为中心,心系人民、讴歌人民,发扬职业精神,恪守职业道德,勤奋工作、甘于奉献,做作风优良的新闻工作者。一句话,就是要做党和人民信赖的新闻工作者。"

For more information, please contact the Kissinger Institute at china@wilsoncenter.org.