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34:26October 13, 2023

我们的盘中餐有百分之九十都受土壤的滋养。孕育万物的土壤也有另一个角色——沉默的气候战士。可你是否知道,75%的土地正面临着“营养不均”的退化问题,其主要原因包括人类的耕种行为。中国和美国作为农业大国,是否能够携手解决这一问题? 跟随《可持续亚洲》的脚步,我们共同探索。


This podcast series is part of a Wilson Center China Environment Forum and Ohio State University initiative called Cultivating US and Chinese Climate Leadership on Food and Agriculture. The initiative explores the actions both these “food superpowers” are taking to rein in agri-food greenhouse gas emissions and identifies potential areas of mutual learning and collaboration.

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  • Carbon Neutral Agriculture in the US and China

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China Environment Forum

Since 1997, the China Environment Forum's mission has been to forge US-China cooperation on energy, environment, and sustainable development challenges. We play a unique nonpartisan role in creating multi-stakeholder dialogues around these issues.  Read more