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Alain Bifani

    Professional affiliation

    President of the Lebanese Citizen Foundation

    Full Biography

    Alain Bifani is a proven leader and a seasoned economic and financial expert, with over more than two decades of experience in the private and public sectors and with national and global financial institutions. In 2000, Bifani was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Finance, the youngest person to be appointed to that rank in Lebanon, a position he served until 2000.

    He received the United Nations award for improving tax services and transparency, and he was named Commandeur de l’Ordre du Cèdre (Lebanon) and chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (France) for his relentless fight against corruption. Alain was also the alternate governor of Lebanon at the World Bank, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, and the Arab Bank for Agriculture Development. He was chairman of the G24 three times. He also successfully led Lebanon’s bid to join EBRD, despite international and local resistance.

    He is now President of the Lebanese Citizen Foundation.