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Denis Allemand

Guest Speaker

Professional affiliation

Coral Biologist, Scientific Director, Centre Scientifique de Monaco

Full Biography

Denis Allemand is the Scientific Director of the Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM) and Professor of University. He obtained his doctorate in 1986 at the University of Montpellier II (France) in Pharmacological sciences and Endocrinology. His main field of research concerns the physiology of marine organisms, mainly sea urchins and corals, and their use as model organisms to understand the major problems of biology (biomineralization, symbiosis, evolution...). He is also studying the impact of environmental changes, and more particularly ocean acidification on marine organisms, particularly corals. He is co-author of about 170 scientific papers and numerous chapters of books and popular articles. He supervised 12 doctoral students.

He is a member of various scientific councils (Prince Albert II Foundation, École Pratique des Hautes Études, IFREMER). For further information, please visit: