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Governor Alejandro Murat

Professional affiliation

Governor of Oaxaca, Mexico

Full Biography

Governor Alejandro Murat holds a Master in Law and another one in International Relations, (Columbia University, New York). As part of his postgraduate training, he specialized in Corporate, Tax, Financial and Property Law as well as in International Banking and Finance. Within public management, he was a Federal Deputy in the LIX Legislature (2004-2006). In the same way, he participated in the creation of the Special Commission for Competitiveness and Regional Development, which he presided. In the Government of the State of Mexico, he served as General Director of the Institute of the Registry Function (2007-2009), and as General Director of the Mexiquense Radio and Television System (2009-2011). He was the General Director of the National Workers' Housing Fund Institute, INFONAVIT, from December 2012 to November 2015. He is the Constitutional Governor of the State of Oaxaca for the period 2016-2022. Into the Governors' National Commission, CONAGO, he is Coordinator of the Integral Development of the South-Southeast; Education, Culture and Sports; mezcal. Also he is vice-coordinator of International Affairs; Development of Special Economic Zones and Energy.