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James Kraska

    Professional affiliation

    Chair and Professor of International Maritime Law, Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College

    Full Biography

    James Kraska is Charles H. Stockton Professor of International Maritime Law and Chair of the Stockton Center for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College and Visiting Professor of Law and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization at Harvard Law School. He has also served as a Visiting Professor of Law at the College of Law, University of the Philippines in Manila, the Philippines, a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Gujarat National Law University in Gandhinagar, India, and a Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Maine School of Law in Portland, Maine. 

    He previously was Mary Derrickson McCurdy Visiting Scholar at Duke University Marine Laboratory in the Nicholas School of the Environment and Chief of Naval Research Fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He is the General Editor of International Law Studies and Editor-in-Chief of the treatise, Benedict on Admiralty: International Maritime Law. 

    His articles have appeared in Stanford Journal of International Law, Yale Journal of International Law, Virginia Journal of International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Harvard National Security Journal, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum, Ecology Law Quarterly at UC Berkeley School of Law, and Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. He is also widely published in peer reviewed journals, including Marine Policy, International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law, Ocean & Coastal Management, Ocean Development & International Law, and the American Journal of International Law. 

    A Permanent Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he has also written about the intersection of international law and foreign affairs in journals such as Foreign Policy, Comparative Strategy, Current History, World Policy Journal and Survival.

    His most recent books are Peaceful Management of Maritime Disputes (contributing editor with Hee Cheol Yang, Routledge 2023), Disruptive Technology and the Law of Naval Warfare (with Raul Pedrozo, Oxford University Press 2022) and Emerging Technology and the Law of the Sea (with Young Kil Park, Cambridge University Press 2022). He led the production of The Newport Manual on the Law of Naval Warfare, published as volume 101 of International Law Studies (2023).