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Jeremy Wallace

Wilson China Fellow


    August 1, 2023 — July 31, 2024

    Professional affiliation

    Professor of Government and Director of the East Asia Program at Cornell University


    • China's decarbonization initiative
    • Chinese development

    Wilson Center Projects

    China’s Carbon Triangle: Climate Change and the Unwinding of the Land-Finance-Real Estate Development Model

    Full Biography

    Jeremy Wallace is a professor of  at  and serves as Director of Cornell’s . He studies authoritarianism focusing on China, cities, statistics, and climate change. He is the author of two books, including the recently published Seeking Truth and Hiding Facts: Information, Ideology, and Authoritarianism in China, which argues that a few numbers came to define Chinese politics, until they did not count what mattered and what they counted did not measure up. His research has been published in American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, International Organization, and China Quarterly, among others. He also writes for popular outlets such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Noema, Phenomenal World, The China Project, the LA Times and the Washington Post.