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Ze'ev Khanin

Guest Speaker

Professional affiliation

Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University; Academic Chairmen, Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies, Herzliya; Senior Research Associate, Department of Jewish Studies (Israeli Heritage), Ariel University of Samaria

Full Biography

Dr. Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin is one of the leading Israeli experts on Israel-FSU relations and politics and the Russian-speaking Jewish community in Israel and the diaspora. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Moscow Institute for African Studies, the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1989, and in 1991 completed post-Doctoral studies in the Institute for Russian and Soviet Studies at the University of Oxford, U.K. He currently serves as Academic Chairman of the Institute for Euro-Asian Jewish Studies in Herzliya, Israel. He is also an Associate Professor with the Department of Political Studies at Bar Ilan University and Senior Researcher at Ariel University. He gave visiting courses and public lectures for the Israeli and FSU Government as well as gave visiting courses and lectures on Israeli and the FSU Politics and Society in a few universities in Great Britain, the USA, Germany, and the FSU (including London, Boston, Oxford, Potsdam, Moscow, Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov, Riga, Minsk, and Baku). He also serves as a political commentator for the Israeli Channel Nine TV, The Voice of Israel Radio, and the First Radio, Israel. He is the author and editor and co-author of 9 academic books; his interviews and articles often appear within various Israeli, American, European, as well as Russian and other FSU printed and electronic media.

Major Publications

His academic publications include 9 books, 8 edited collections, several monographs, and numerous articles on Israeli, East European, Jewish and African politics and society. Among the books are:

  • Documents on Ukrainian Jewish Identity and Emigration (London, 2004)
  • "Russian" Israelis at "Home" and "Abroad": Migration, Identity and Culture (Ramat-Gan, 2011)
  • Post-Soviet Jewish Youth (Moscow and Ramat-Gan, 2013)
  • Political Party Systems and Electoral Trends in Israel of the Early 21st Century (Moscow, 2014)
  • "The Third Israel": Russian-speaking Community and Politics in the Contemporary Jewish State (Moscow, 2015)
  • From Russia to Israel… And Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora (Berlin and Boston, 2020, forthcoming)