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Feature: Women in Sports

says , the Deputy Head of the Supreme Organizing Committee for the Arab Women Sports Tournament. This year’s tournament includes female athletes from 17 countries who will compete in events including basketball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and archery, among others. For instance, competing around the world to “try to change stereotypes and show a different segment in Saudi Arabia.”

From the West Bank, there is a new documentary “Speed Sisters” that chronicles the . From the Gaza Strip, there are numerous articles about , 15-year-old Nofal, and reports about the that has garnered attention because “female cyclists are a fairly unusual sight throughout the Arab world.” From elsewhere in the region, there are stories about a , Farnaz Esmaeilzadeh, and the , Soumaia Fergani.

Political Developments

The Iranian parliamentary elections were by far the biggest story about women’s political participation in the MENA region during the first quarter of 2016. In late February, were elected to Iran’s Majles during the first round of parliamentary elections in late February. However, in March, the Iranian Guardian Council , one of the women elected to parliament. The Guardian Council did not provide an explanation for this decision and had previously vetted her to participate in the 2016 elections. The Guardian Council also who had registered to run in the 2016 elections.

will determine if more women will join the now 13 women who will serve in the tenth parliament. —3.1 percent of the legislators—have served in the ninth parliament since 2012; the fifth Majles holds the record for highest number of women serving in the Majles at once: .

Despite this progress, women in the Majles continue to face discrimination; the incoming women parliamentarians will have to work with MP Nader Qazipour, who was recorded in March saying, “,” a comment for which he later apologized and attributed to being “carried away by the jubilation of the election among my supporters.”

One of last quarter’s biggest stories on women’s issues, the election of 21 women to Saudi municipal councils, led to several new developments throughout the last few months. , the two newly elected women councilors were told they had to sit separately from their ten male equivalents, to which they refused. After an hour of “heated argument,” the meeting began with all 12 councilors sitting at the same table. The following month, however, the Saudi government announced that women councilors and could only participate through a video link.

Women in public service in the UAE fared better than their Iranian and Saudi counterparts during this quarter. Seven women will serve on the 42-member Sharjah Consultative Council; by the Emir of Sharjah, Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, and one, , was elected to the position. Additionally, due to a reshuffling, , where they now occupy more than a quarter of the posts. Some of the new women ministers include the Minister of Happiness and the Minister of Tolerance.

Human Rights

As in previous quarters, there were numerous articles throughout the last several months about the pervasiveness of violence against women in the MENA region. Many of these articles highlighted domestic violence and efforts to combat violence against women in particular. For instance, , and Human Rights Watch has urged the country to . In addition, cases from 2014 to 2015. , while only three percent of them report it. of domestic violence and abuse, which was quickly “flooded” with calls. A female police officer was appointed the head of Algeria’s parliament in February introduced a , including domestic violence. A female entrepreneur in Jordan and equip them with skills to protect themselves against potential violence. 

A number of articles during this time period focused on the harassment of women journalists and the role of media in either perpetuating or exposing harassment against women. Three they experience through threats, attacks, insults, and other forms of harassment. In addition, at Press TV, an Iranian TV station. In Egypt, a TV talk , saying almost one-third of wives are unfaithful. Separately a for provoking the attack by wearing “revealing clothes.” Media can also have a positive function: , and female entrepreneurs have launched Harass Tracker, a .

Another significant topic during this quarter dealt with women’s rights related to marriage and divorce. —which mandates that foreign men pay to marry Egyptian women more than 25 years younger—has continued to generate controversy because the Justice Ministry increased the amount men are required to pay. The Ministry indicates the law is designed to protect Egyptian women while Another article details as a result of the country’s use of Jewish law. following a new law passed in the Higher Sharia Court Council. One positive development to note is recent after getting married.

Women in Conflict Situations

News about the treatment of women in ISIS-controlled territories remains the focus of articles regarding women in conflict situations. A number of articles report that ISIS to death in Syria for "committing adultery" after being raped by ISIS fighters and . ISIS also and for similar espionage charges related to leaking security information. The women that ISIS still holds captive as and in order to keep women as sex slaves and avoid pregnancy. Reports also indicate that to serve as sex slaves and domestic servants. show what life is like for women under ISIS rule. In March, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in its actions against Yazidis and other minority groups, but some have for the terrorist group’s systematic targeting of women.

Many articles this quarter also detailed the toll that ISIS and the Syrian conflict have had on women. According to Babatunde Osotimehin, executive director of the U.N. Population Fund, as a result of the country’s civil war. Amnesty International reported that Syrian refugees in Lebanon “.” In spite of such increased vulnerability, these women refugees also shared their and how they became . The Syrian women who remain in their home country often because so few men remain. of “providers and protectors” as a result of war.

Despite such disheartening news about women in conflict over the past few months, there are several important positive developments related to women and ISIS. For example, ; Nadia Murad escaped from ISIS and works to highlight the suffering of women who are still in captivity. More than 50 by ISIS in a prisoner exchange with the Kurdish YPG forces. In March, to support some of the 2,500 estimated victims. Moreover, the numbers of who are fighting against ISIS are increasing.

Labor and economic issues

Entrepreneurship serves as an important tool for women in the Middle East entering the labor market. Women throughout the region have been enormously successful at entrepreneurship: — Mevlüde Uygun, the CEO of a baby clothing empire—is an entrepreneur who started her company with a small business loan from the state. Women in Saudi Arabia are increasingly becoming , which allow them to establish thriving businesses within the limits of a society that constricts their mobility and interactions. Additionally, 32 percent of Qatari women interviewed for a study by A.T. Kearney stated that they have “.”

Women from the region have also looked to STEM as a key to success in the labor market. in the UAE’s nascent nuclear sector are women. One article from the last quarter indicated more than are women, while another noted that women in . These last two articles told a similar and disheartening—and nearly universal—story: while young women are increasingly outperforming their male counterparts in school in terms of both grades and numbers, this success is not carried over into the workplace, where women face discrimination. As a senior International Labor Organization official recently said, labor issues for women in the Middle East .

Other stories from this past quarter discussed some of the obstacles that women in the Middle East face in the labor force. In Morocco, for a study from the Forum Azzahrae for the Moroccan Woman stated that they were “frustrated” at work and most of the women interviewed received “little to no help managing the household after returning from their day job.”

The MENA Women Quarterly Report will continue to report on women’s progress in business, and other news stories that affect women in the region, in the months to come.


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