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The two themes of the Qufu speech—the China Dream and China as a socialist cultural great power—pervade Xi’s thinking on the link between civilization, politics, reform, and soft power. Soft power, in this scheme, is not aggressive or domineering; it will flow from global recognition of China’s contributions to human intellectual and material welfare.

“The China Dream means the Chinese people's recognition and pursuit of values, the building of China into a well-off society in a comprehensive way, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation… (It) also means that every Chinese will realize his own dream in fulfilling the China Dream, (which is) the highest common factor for the unity of the Chinese nation and (an expression of) the sincere aspiration of the Chinese nation to contribute to the mankind's peace and development.”?

The theoretical structure of Xi’s evolving cultural policy was laid out in published on May 11, 2016 in the Communist Party’s flagship paper, The People’s Daily, titled: “Writings that Compose the China Dream in the Spirit of Innovative Reform (New Thinking and Practice in National Governance) (以改革创新精神谱写“中国梦”的文化篇章(治国理政新思想新实践)). Like many Communist Party (CCP) theories, this one is presented as a numbered list to make it easier for Party members to summarize and transmit: “One core objective, Two crucial sections, Five systems.”

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一个核心目标: 培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观、建设社会主义文化强国
两个关键环节: 完善文化管理体制、深化国有文化单位改革
五个体系: 构建现代公共文化服务体系、现代文化市场体系、优秀传统文化传承体系、对外文化传播和对外话语体系、文化政策法规体系

One Core Objective
Foster and promote socialist core values, build socialist cultural great power.
Two Crucial Sections
Improve the cultural management system.
Deepen reform of public cultural agencies.
Five Systems
Modern Public Cultural Service System
Modern Cultural Market System
Traditional Chinese Cultural Inheritance System
External Cultural Communication and Discursive Power System
Cultural Policy and Regulatory System


When he became China’s premier leader in late 2012, Xi Jinping inherited a problem that has been widely acknowledged in China since the boom era of the mid 1990s: as consumerism becomes the measure of success in the People’s Republic, the nation faces a crisis of ethics and moral culture. The officially atheist CCP dismisses religion as the opiate of the masses, but adheres to communism in name only. Many Chinese bewail the resulting absence of civic virtue that leaves citizens indifferent to the suffering of the poor and unwilling to make sacrifices for the common good. Xi’s prescription for these ills is socialist values with Chinese characteristics. These values—Xi’s catechism for the Chinese people—are listed on billboards spread over every city and town in China. The values are listed under the three levels at which they most urgently apply.

National level: Prosperity, Democracy, Civilization, Peace

Social level: Freedom, Equality, Justice, Law
Individual citizen level: Patriotism, Dedication, Honesty, Friendliness

国家层面的价值目标: 富强、民主、文明、和谐
社会层面的价值取向: 自由、平等、公正、法治
公民个人层面的价值准则: 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善

In order to promote Chinese characteristics, we need to first clearly understand that every nation and people have different historical traditions, cultures and fundamental realities lead to different paths of development. The Chinese culture nurtures the development of the Chinese nation. Chinese traditional culture is our deepest form of cultural soft power. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in Chinese culture and reflects the will of the Chinese people. It has been adapted to contemporary development needs, but has historical roots and a broad realistic basis.


“Ideological development, a crucial responsibility of the party, must underlie economic development. Only through developing material and spiritual civilization simultaneously can we successfully advance socialism with Chinese characteristics.”


“The cultivation and development of socialist core values need to be grounded in traditional Chinese culture.”


“The history of human social development demonstrates that the most long-lasting and profound power of a people and nation is core values recognized throughout society.”


I hope that you can have firm confidence in China’s culture and inspire our national spirit with your artistic works. In order to rejuvenate the Chinese nation, we need to have firm confidence in the Chinese socialist path, theory, system, and culture. In order to create outstanding work with distinct national features, we must have a deep understanding of and confidence in China’s profound traditional culture. Artists should extract the essence and energy of Chinese culture and be confident in their cultural ideals, values, viability, and creativity, thus making their work a source of energy for the Chinese people and nation.

Culture is the soul of a country and a people. History and practice have both proved that any nation that abandons its own history and culture is not able to thrive. Such a nation risks tragedies of a historical scale. Confidence in one’s own culture is a broad, fundamental, and deep form of confidence. It provides more in-depth and long-lasting energy. Having firm confidence in its culture is crucial to a nation’s fate, cultural security, and independence.



"The core mission of contemporary Chinese Communist Party members is to have firm confidence in Chinese socialist path, theory, system, and culture and to continuously achieve new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics."




“The revival of Chinese culture supports the prosperity of our nation. The China Dream cannot be realized without the continuation and development of our civilization and cultivation and promotion of our culture…We need to strive to build a?socialist cultural great power.


"Cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader and deeper kind of confidence. The most in-depth spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation lies in China’s more than 5,000 years of traditional culture, in the revolutionary culture developed by the Party and the masses’ great fight, and in its advanced socialist culture. It represents the unique spiritual mark of the Chinese nation."


For more information, please contact the Kissinger Institute at china@wilsoncenter.org
