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Ambassador Esteban Moctezuma

Professional affiliation

Mexican Ambassador to the United States

Full Biography

Ambassador Esteban Moctezuma was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico to the United States of America by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He was ratified by the Senate of the Republic in February 2021 with 115 votes in favor of 116 attending senators.

He was secretary of public education since 2018. Among his government positions, he previously served as secretary of social development (1998-1999); federal senator of the Republic (1997-1998); secretary of interior (1994-1995); undersecretary of educational planning and coordination (1993-1994) and chief administrative officer (1992-1993) at the Secretariat of Public Education; chief administrative officer at the Secretariat of Programming and Budget (1988-1992); and secretary of administration for the Government of the State of Sinaloa (1982-1987). He was responsible for implementing the autonomy of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (1994).

Ambassador Moctezuma holds a degree in economics by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He also earned a Master’s degree in economic development from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom and completed a course on regional development in Tokyo, Japan. He was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas.

Regarding his career in civil society, he served as Executive President of Fundación Azteca (2001-2018); promoter of the System of Children's and Youth Symphony Orchestras Esperanza Azteca (2009-2018); trainer of Youth of Excellence through the Bicentennial Generation Scholarships (2010-2018); promoter of the program for the conservation of natural protected areas Â¡Que viva la Selva Lacandona! (2004-2018); responsible for the campaign Limpiemos nuestro México (2009-2018); member of the Board of Directors at the Mexican Foundation of Health (2004-2018); president of the Board of Trustees of the National Institute of Public Health (2011-2015); assembly member at the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (2013-2017); vice president of the organization "Entrepreneurs in Basic Education" and President of "Social Commitment for the Quality and Equity of Education".

Ambassador Moctezuma has been a columnist for several Mexican newspapers and has written several books.