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Dr. Andreas Østhagen

Professional affiliation

Senior Researcher, Fridtjof Nansen Institute and High North Center; Fulbright Fellow, Polar Institute, Wilson Center & Arctic Initiative, Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School

Full Biography

Andreas Østhagen is a Senior Research Fellow at the in Oslo, Norway, a research institute concerned with international environmental, energy and resource management politics and law. Østhagen is also a Senior Fellow at The Arctic Institute, Washington DC; an affiliated Senior Advisor at the at Nord University Business School; and an Associate Professor at Bjørknes University College, where he teaches the course ‘Geopolitics of the Arctic’.

From the Norwegian Arctic, Andreas has been concerned with Arctic security issues and ocean politics for a decade. He started working for the Norwegian Government (North Norway European Office) in Brussels on EU-Arctic affairs (2010-2014), before switching to research and academia: for the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) in Oslo (2014-2017), with shorter work-stints at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC (2011), the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation in Toronto, Canada (2013), and the Bren School of Environmental Science at University of California Santa Barbara (2019).

Østhagen holds a from the University of British Columbia (UBC) focused on ocean politics and disputes; a Master of Science from the London School of Economics (LSE) in European and international affairs, and a bachelor’s degree in political economy from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).