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Ilya Yablokov

    Professional affiliation

    Russian media and disinformation scholar; Lecturer, Sheffield University

    Full Biography

    Ilya Yablokov is a scholar of Russian media and disinformation and a lecturer at Sheffield University in the UK. He graduated from Tomsk State University, Russia, with a degree in history and received his PhD from the University of Manchester. Yablokov is the author of Russian Conspiracy Culture (published in Russian by Alpina Non-Fiction in 2020) and two English-language books on conspiracy theories in Russia. He is currently writing a book on the history of Russian media.

    袠谢褜褟 携斜谢芯泻芯胁 鈥 谢械泻褌芯褉 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪 楔械褎褎懈谢写邪 (袙械谢懈泻芯斜褉懈褌邪薪懈褟), 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻懈褏 屑械写懈邪 懈 写械蟹懈薪褎芯褉屑邪褑懈懈. 袨泻芯薪褔懈谢 孝芯屑褋泻懈泄 谐芯褋褍写邪褉褋褌胁械薪薪褘泄 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌 锌芯 褋锌械褑懈邪谢褜薪芯褋褌懈 芦懈褋褌芯褉懈褟禄 懈 写芯泻褌芯褉邪薪褌褍褉褍 袦邪薪褔械褋褌械褉褋泻芯谐芯 褍薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌邪. 袗胁褌芯褉 褉褍褋褋泻芯褟蟹褘褔薪芯泄 泻薪懈谐懈 芦袪褍褋褋泻邪褟 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉邪 蟹邪谐芯胁芯褉邪禄 (芦袗谢褜锌懈薪邪 薪芯薪-褎懈泻褕薪禄, 2020), 邪 褌邪泻卸械 写胁褍褏 屑芯薪芯谐褉邪褎懈泄 薪邪 邪薪谐谢懈泄褋泻芯屑 芯 褌械芯褉懈褟褏 蟹邪谐芯胁芯褉邪 胁 袪芯褋褋懈懈. 袙 写邪薪薪褘泄 屑芯屑械薪褌 褉邪斜芯褌邪械褌 薪邪写 泻薪懈谐芯泄 芯斜 懈褋褌芯褉懈懈 褉芯褋褋懈泄褋泻懈褏 屑械写懈邪.

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