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Lev Gankin

Professional affiliation

Russian music critic, scholar of culture, journalist

Full Biography

袥械胁 袚邪薪泻懈薪 鈥 屑褍蟹褘泻邪谢褜薪褘泄 泻褉懈褌懈泻, 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜 泻褍谢褜褌褍褉褘, 卸褍褉薪邪谢懈褋褌. 小芯蟹写邪褌械谢褜 懈 胁械写褍褖懈泄 邪胁褌芯褉褋泻芯泄 锌褉芯谐褉邪屑屑褘 芦啸芯卸写械薪懈械 锌芯 蟹胁褍泻邪屑禄 薪邪 褉邪写懈芯褋褌邪薪褑懈懈 芦小械褉械斜褉褟薪褘泄 写芯卸写褜禄. 袛械谢邪械褌 锌芯写泻邪褋褌褘 芦袨褌 褏芯褉邪 写芯 褏邪褉写泻芯褉邪禄 懈 芦小写械谢邪泄 锌芯谐褉芯屑褔械禄 写谢褟 锌褉芯械泻褌邪 Arzamas. 袗胁褌芯褉 泻薪懈谐懈 芦啸芯卸写械薪懈械 锌芯 蟹胁褍泻邪屑禄. 袪械写邪泻褌芯褉 褋斜芯褉薪懈泻邪 芦袧芯胁邪褟 泻褉懈褌懈泻邪: 蟹胁褍泻芯胁褘械 芯斜褉邪蟹褘 锌芯褋褌褋芯胁械褌褋泻芯泄 锌芯锌-屑褍蟹褘泻懈禄. 袩械褉械胁芯写褔懈泻 泻薪懈谐 小褌褞邪褉褌邪 袠褋邪泻芯褎褎邪 芦袚褉芯屑泻邪褟 懈褋褌芯褉懈褟 褎芯褉褌械锌懈邪薪芯禄 懈 芦袦褍蟹褘泻邪谢褜薪褘泄 褋褌褉芯泄禄 薪邪 褉褍褋褋泻懈泄 褟蟹褘泻. 袩褍斜谢懈泻芯胁邪谢褋褟 胁 屑薪芯卸械褋褌胁械 锌械褔邪褌薪褘褏 懈 懈薪褌械褉薪械褌-懈蟹写邪薪懈泄: 芦袗褎懈褕邪禄, Meduza, 芦袣芯屑屑械褉褋邪薪褌歇 Weekend禄, Colta, 芦袙械写芯屑芯褋褌懈禄, 芦袠褋泻褍褋褋褌胁芯 泻懈薪芯禄.

Lev Gankin is a Russian music critic, scholar of culture, and journalist. He created and hosted a music program on the Russian station Silver Rain Radio and hosts the podcasts From Choir to Hardcore and Turn the Volume Up for Arzamas Academy. Gankin wrote the book Walking Through Sounds (in Russian), edited the volume New Critique: Sound Images of Post-Soviet Pop Music (in Russian), and translated two books by Stuart Isacoff into Russian, A Natural History of the Piano and Temperament. He has written for Afisha, Meduza, Kommersant Weekend, Colta, Vedomosti, and Iskusstvo Kino, among print and online media outlets.