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Níels Einarsson

Guest Speaker

Professional affiliation

Director, Stefansson Arctic Institute, Akureyri, Iceland

Full Biography

Dr. Níels Einarsson is an anthropologist, Director of the Stefansson Arctic Institute in Iceland, Co-Director of the Arctic Research Center (CER-ARCTIC) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a Senior Arctic Fellow at the Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College. Main research and professional interests include the social, cultural and environmental dimensions of marine resource governance, climatic change, and North Atlantic Arctic sustainability and social change issues. Einarsson has led and participated in numerous international research and scientific assessment projects with a focus on the circumpolar region, including co-editing the first Arctic Human Development Report. He served as the principal investigator on the Nordic Centre of Excellence in Arctic Research project "Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies - ARCPATH (2016-2021)" with emphasis on environmental and social change in North Atlantic Arctic coastal communities. He is the PI for Horizon 2020 JUSTNORTH – Toward Just, Ethical and Sustainable Arctic Economies, Environments and Societies (2020-2024). For more information see and for info on the Stefansson Arctic Institute see .