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Climate Finance: Innovative Financing Sources for Sustainable Development?

With donor countries' budgets constrained,alternative financing sources for development are gaining some momentum, inside and outside the climate negotiations context.

Date & Time

Dec. 15, 2011
12:00pm – 2:00pm ET


5th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center


The climate summit in Durban, South Africa ended this weekend with a comprehensive yet unfinished climate agreement. Some advances were made in the discourse about providing urgently needed financial resources to deal with climate effects being felt in developing countries; however, with traditional donor countries' budgets severely constrained, alternative financing sources are gaining momentum. This panel will bring together speakers from a variety of backgrounds, including international financial institutions, governments, think tanks, and civil society groups to discuss concrete financing options for sustainable development that go beyond direct public contributions by developed countries.  These varied proposals include taxes and levies on air and maritime transport, special drawing rights, and financial transaction taxes.


  • John Sewell, Senior Scholar, Environmental Change and Security Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 


  • Ari Huhtala, Senior Environmental Specialist, Climate Change Team,  Environment Department, World Bank (confirmed)
  • Ian Parry, Technical Assistance Advisor (Climate Change and Environment), Tax Policy, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund (confirmed)
  • Liane Schalatek, Associate Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung - North America (confirmed)
  • David Waskow, Climate Change Program Manager, Oxfam America (confirmed)

**This event is being co-sponsored with New Rules for Global Finance and Heinrich Böll Stiftung - North America**

RSVP Required: jbaker@new-rules.org


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